Wendy Chidester
"Although this body of work has a vast array of subject matter, the paintings have one thing in common. Each work brings history to life. I hope viewers will take a minute to reflect on items that have been replaced and forgotten. These objects were essential in realizing the technology we use today." - Wendy Chidester

Wendy Chidester, "Rem-Blick on Red," 2024, oil on canvas, 45 x 45 inches, $14,000

Wendy Chidester, "Rem-Blick on Red," 2024, oil on canvas, 45 x 45 inches, $14,000
Wendy Chidester, "The Empire," 2024, oil on canvas, 45 x 45 inches, $14,000

Wendy Chidester, "The Empire," 2024, oil on canvas, 45 x 45 inches, $14,000

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Wendy Chidester, "Boston Champion," 2024, oil on canvas, 26 x 24 inches, $5,500

Wendy Chidester, "Bull's Eye," 2024, oil on canvas, 26 x 24 inches, $5,500

Wendy Chidester, "Kodak Duaflex IV," 2024, oil on canvas, 26 x 24 inches, $5,500

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Wendy Chidester on view at Arden Gallery

Wendy Chidester, "Erika," 2024, oil on canvas, 35 x 35 inches, $8,500

Wendy Chidester, "Blue 1 Cent," 2024, oil on canvas, 22 x 20 inches, $4,000

Wendy Chidester, "Hammond," 2024, oil on canvas, 35 x 35 inches, $8,500

Wendy Chidester on view at Arden Gallery

Wendy Chidester on view at Arden Gallery

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Wendy Chidester, "Lenses & Cases," 2022, oil on canvas, 40 x 40 inches, $10,000

Wendy Chidester, "Arrow Automatic," 2022, oil on canvas, 30 x 30 inches - SOLD

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Wendy Chidester, "Just a Phone Call Away," 2022, oil on canvas, 60 x 36 inches, $15,000

Wendy Chidester, "1905 Harley Davidson," 2022, oil on canvas, 36 x 60 inches - SOLD

Wendy Chidester, "AMF Double Step," 2022, oil on canvas, 27 x 27 inches - SOLD

Wendy Chidester, "Pink Royal," 2022, oil on canvas, 27 x 27 inches - SOLD

Wendy Chidester, "Busy B Electrical Fan," 2022, oil on canvas, 26 x 24 inches - SOLD

Wendy Chidester, "GE Alternating Current Fan," 2022, oil on canvas, 26 x 24 inches, $5,000

Wendy Chidester, "Twin Bell Alarm Clock," 2022, oil on canvas, 26 x 24 inches, $5,000

Wendy Chidester, "Corvette Blue (Pedal Car,)" 2022, oil on canvas, 19 x 33 inches - SOLD
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Wendy Chidester - Vintage Perfume Bottles - 10 x 10 inches each

Wendy Chidester, "TABU,"
2022, oil on canvas, 10 x 10 inches - SOLD

Wendy Chidester, "ARPEGE,"
2022, oil on canvas, 10 x 10 inches - SOLD

Wendy Chidester, "Midnight,"
2022, oil on canvas, 10 x 10 inches - SOLD

Wendy Chidester, "Old Cottage Lavender,"
2022, oil on canvas, 10 x 10 inches - SOLD

Wendy Chidester, "Remington Typewriter,"
2021, oil on canvas, 24 x 24 inches - SOLD
Wendy Chidester, "Underwood Standard,"
2022, oil on canvas, 40 x 40 inches - SOLD
“I’ve always found typewriters very interesting to paint because of the beauty of the object itself and the history behind it. I particularly like Remington Typewriter because of its open spaces. I was drawn into the mechanical workings of this machine. The negative spaces make this one of the more interesting paintings in the show.” - Wendy Chidester
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Wendy Chidester, "Red Trike," 2018, oil on canvas, 36 x 36 inches, $7,200
sold works & installation shots

"My work depicts a history of objects and machines that have been lost due to the advancement of technology and time. My still life paintings of obsolete machines, worn and outdated luggage, used books, and tried and true toys are filled with a reverence for the human ingenuity they represent...and for the inherent beauty of the objects themselves.
I paint my subjects as iconic relics. I’m constantly searching for items that excite me to the point of wanting to bring them back to life. I depict the wear of age by scratching into the surface, flicking paint, and applying multiple glazes, thus making the object appear to have endured on canvas what it has endured in real life. When viewed up close my work reads as expressionist-abstraction. But from a distance the painting is almost photorealistic." - Wendy Chidester